Intuitive Inquiry Groups
A Series of Eight Weekly Meetings Doing Self-Inquiry, Partswork & Guidework Together
January 22 - March 13, 2025
Full Details Below.
Prerequisite: The Art of Inner Communication
Full Details Below.
Prerequisite: The Art of Inner Communication
Fundamental to the inner process is the movement of surrender. One way to talk about surrender is as one great big transfer of authority.
A transfer of authority from what, and to what?
From parts of the personality structure carrying out conditioned adaptive strategies to the wisdom-intelligence of the Self (true nature).
To facilitate this transfer, three things need to be done:
The connection to the Self and to its many intuitive wisdom-resources needs to be deep, thorough, and naturally accessible in all the different states and situations of our lives.
The conditioned strategies that are being carried out by the parts/facets of the personality structure need to be known clearly with naked transparency and undefended honesty.
A direct, energetic connection between the parts and the Self needs to be facilitated for healing and renegotiation. This leads directly to the Self (re)inhabiting its true role of being “the navigator” of the overall flow and direction of our life on this plane. The personality structure, free of the burden of “deciding and surviving,” then organically begins to express its true gifts in unique, beautiful and surprising ways. This is the fluid and dynamic expression of ourselves without any form of fabrication or dishonesty.
These three steps are not some kind of checklist that we accomplish in a linear way. Rather, they are non-linear and spiral-like - they are our passion. Each is unfathomably subtle and deep.
These inquiry groups are an invitation to explore that subtlety and depth in community with Megan and Chris.
In terms of #1, in our work, there are a variety of methods we use to increase our ability to hear, feel and see the intuitive wisdom emanating from the Self.
The way we see it, the Self is morphic. It acts on us via a dynamic, living field of intelligence that we inhabit ceaselessly. It can spontaneously take whatever form is skillful and necessary to inspire us, guide us, teach us, or work directly with a part carrying a wound or burden.
When the Self morphs into a specific form that we can see, feel and hear, it is called a Guide.
The appearance of the Guide, as well as the internal environment they appear in, are never random. The manifestation of the Guide is synchronized at every possible level to you - to the exact physical, emotional, energetic and psychological support you require at this time.
So the foundational practices of the groups will always revolve around creating and nurturing the bond with your own guidance system - your own active wisdom-intelligence.
In our language, forming this bond with the Self or the Self-manifested-as-Guide is a love affair. It is in fact the core devotional act of our lives. The “burning” of this devotion to Truth is absolutely and without question its own reward (and the fact that you “lose it sometimes” is not a problem if you are a lover!).
In terms of #2, strengthening Self-Connection has the benefit of “putting into relief” where and when we are acting from a fixation, wound or conditioned adaptive strategy.
Rather than being “sort of aware” of some pattern, we develop the ability to “see it, hear it and feel it” in high-resolution, vivid clarity in the internal landscape.
As we do this, many, many things about our lives are seen and understood that were previously disjointed and inaccessible to us. Interestingly, group work, when done at this level, can be a huge potentiator for this kind of seeing. When people share authentic intuitive insights about core patterns, the ripple effect is enormous.
Finally, in terms of #3, the process of having the Guides work together on all of us in the group to assist in the healing and unburdening of conditioned patterns is a thing of unspeakable beauty.
In our experience, it is what communion really means. To sit like this, with people working at this level, is the very definition of what it means to support the other and simultaneously be supported at the most profound level.
All of those who have met the prerequisites listed on this page are warmly invited to join us.
The Art of Inner Communication
For folks new to guidework, it is acceptable to register and attend this next round of groups as you are simultaneously listening and working with the material in The Art of Inner Communication.
The theme for this particular cycle of groups will be: How do I serve? Additionally, Megan will be offering a group specifically looking at menopause from a psychospiritual viewpoint. Click on the registration buttons below to read full write-ups about the groups.
8 Wednesdays | Jan 22 - Mar 12 | 10:30am - 11:30am PT| Taught by Megan | This group will focus on service.
8 Thursdays | Jan 23 - Mar 13 | 4:30pm - 5:30pm PT | Taught by Chris | This group will focus on service.
8 Wednesdays | Jan 22 - Mar 12 | 5:00pm - 6:00pm PT| Taught by Megan | This group will focus on menopause.
The most important thing we can say about this offering is that it is a live group - there is no option to participate via recording. Sessions will be done over Zoom, but to preserve the confidential atmosphere we are trying to create, shares and journey reports will not be recorded.
In terms of participating, while there will be no requirement that people share or offer their experience in any particular way, we want to encourage you to approach these groups much like you would a one-on-one session with Megan & Chris. Risking being honest about your inner unfolding is going to make this time exponentially more useful to yourself and other folks.
We do not share your email address with anyone.