One-on-One Work
with Megan & Chris
“Must I fear what others fear?”
“Must I fear what others fear?”
The basis of our one-on-one work is a profound sense that we were put here to help each other become free. Meaning, at some point in our process, the Other is going to be more or less essential in our development. This might be a formal or an informal meeting, a long-term relationship, or a chance encounter.
Whatever the conditions, so much of what is essential in our own process comes from communicating with the Other, from seeing their process, from having our own process seen. From receiving exactly the right input, at exactly the right time.
It’s not like it suddenly becomes easy. It does not. But with the right input (not just “advice,” but attuned seeing), we get oriented. We get the depth of our inner knowing reflected back to us. We weed through the doubt, dismissiveness, confusion, manipulation, activation, and dissociation to find what is true - what is actually reliable in us in any given moment or situation.
This sense of how precious it can be when two come together in presence-awareness, in deep listening, lies at the root of why we meet with people. It is one of our greatest sources of joy and learning in this life.
In terms of how we work, if we had to generalize, we would say that we offer support in two broad areas of the path:
1. The unfolding of presence-awareness. Disidentifying from the mind - from “who we think we are” - is a heavy lift. The momentum to be completely lost in the content, the data, the “points of view,” is at times completely overwhelming. The stopping, the Being, the simplicity that is called for to really live the path, is reflected almost nowhere in the dominant culture, and often not in any of our immediate relationships.
So we offer support there. Support for contacting, over and over and over again, the unconditioned space of awareness. Support for the development of a grounded nervous system - the stable container for awareness. Support for tuning in to ourselves many times a day. Resources for how to work with the body, the energy and the attention in formal and informal practice. And specific (not generic) methods of cultivation based on what we see/feel in your system based on your specific wiring. And a willingness to change those methods based on what you are reporting about your experience.
2. Meeting “what’s in the way.” As we become more familiar with the sense of awareness, we often simultaneously become more sensitive to what seems to “interrupt” awareness - what pulls us out of conscious contact with true nature.
In other words, the awakening process itself precipitates what is still held in the system. This is the realm of embodying - at every level of our Being - the truth of who we are. Of leaving “no stone unturned.” It is the end of compartmentalization - of being a meditator on Saturday and a passive-aggressive, controlling partner pretending to be a “really nice person” on Tuesday. It is the part of the journey where the states that are glimpsed in meditation actually become integrated into the fabric of our lived experience.
It is no joke. It involves learning - and then using - a variety of tools. From somatics, to inquiry, to intuitive skills. It (the embodiment process) is hard to generalize about it, as the process itself is often a direct reflection of our own uniqueness.
For some, it will involve de-focusing on the content of certain fixations and wounds in favor of looking at the simplicity of how to make decisions from true nature rather than from the conditioning. For others, a review and understanding of past conditioning - of how we were programmed and by who - will organically be called for.
Whatever unfolds, we will often end up with what is subtle. That’s often where the greatest holding, spiritually, is located. In the place nobody else can see. In the part of your mind you never show anyone. This is where the process of becoming free ends up! It’s not what we expected, and the results of embodying unconditioned awareness likewise often bear no resemblance to the mind’s projections about “what liberation is.”
As the embodiment process catches fire, one-dimensional clichés and surface explanations about the path fall away.
This is the dawning of true spiritual maturity. The sense that our inner process is completely and totally alive. The sense that the answers we were seeking outside are actually available in the very fabric of our direct experience of reality. The sense that we are in a soft, continuous dialogue with the Totality itself.
This is the fundamental restoration of Self-trust (one of our most pernicious collective wounds).
And it is possible.
It is possible for anyone with sincerity and devotion who has a true love of seeing, inner listening, and experimentation.
Megan currently has some sessions available, both 30-min and 1-hr. Chris is offering 1-hr sessions as well as a few 30-min slots Monday-Friday.
If you want to get the occasional email from Megan and Chris announcing last minute openings for one-on-one work, sign-up on this list.
The work Megan and Chris both do one-on-one ranges from the occasional sessions with folks to consistent, weekly work that spans a period of years.
If we do not know you and have not worked with you before, the best way to proceed is just to sign up for a session with either of us. If you do not know which of us to work with (or you are torn and want to talk to both of us), simply make an initial intuitive choice. You can switch and/or move back and forth between us whenever you want.
As we talk and get a sense for where you are in your life and inner process, a sense of how to move forward, at what frequency, will organically emerge.
Clients have access to two different timing formats: 1 hour ($150) and 30 minutes ($75).
Finally, it is fine if folks want to gift sessions to others; just email us and we can set that up for you.
When you book, you will receive a confirmation email that includes a link to cancel or reschedule your session. Our policy around this is simple: you can cancel (or reschedule) up until the 24-hour mark and receive a full refund. After the 24-hour mark, sessions cannot be moved, and refunds cannot be given.
As an orientation to newcomers, many (but not all) of the folks we work with are members of Blue Heron Circle - our weekly practice and embodiment group. If you are looking for ongoing support for your practice from us, this is where to find it.
In addition to Blue Heron, the foundation courses on this site can be very useful aids to the somatic, self-observation and intuitive inquiry work we will be doing with you in sessions.
We do not share your email address with anyone.
“When you trust yourself, then you will truly know how to live.”
“The most evident manifestation of the soul being asleep is one’s unshakable conviction in conventional or consensus reality, and in the content of one’s overall social conditioning. Regardless of what profound experiences of Being you may have had and how objectively you may have seen reality, when you get up off your meditation cushion or leave a meeting with your teacher, you act, feel, and behave as if reality is the world you learned from your mother. When you do this, you are expressing the asleepness of your soul.”